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Why use the Directory?

The Directory is completely free to use, so sign-up today!

Find a How-to guide to making a profile here.

The XTRAX Directory is here to facilitate working relationships, helping artists to promote their shows and organisers to programme their events.

The XTRAX Directory can help you to:

  • Increase your profile in the UK and internationally
  • Build your professional network
  • Have a one-stop place to keep all your information
  • Research festivals
  • Discover artists for your event

How to use XTRAX Directory:

  • Promoters can use the Directory to help generate programme ideas
  • Artists can use the Directory to find potential bookers
  • Everyone can use the Directory to extend their network of contacts and promote their work internationally
  • Organisations* can populate their profile with images and films to bring their work to life
  • Create a profile for FREE to see and share contact details
*Content on XTRAX ID profiles is the responsibility of the XTRAX ID account holder. XTRAX is not liable or responsible for any third-party content on the XTRAX Directory and assumes that the XTRAX ID account holder has sought the relevant permissions for all third-party-content. Third-party content includes film, video, photography and written words posted and uploaded by XTRAX ID account holder. XTRAX may use XTRAX ID content for to promote the Directory and the organisation’s body of work.